Welcome to my world

Nikki soloing Boys and Girls play

Third Culture Speaker

Third Culture Speaker

Welcome home. I hope you’ll connect with my research and personal stories on the Third Culture Kid experience. TCKs like me, have spent a significant part of our developmental years living outside of our parents’ passport country. We face unique challenges related to identity formation as our personal values, relationships, and sense of belonging are constantly evolving due to our highly mobile upbringing and often continued transient lifestyles in adulthood.
TCKs are also powerhouses in positions of leadership in today’s highly dynamic and ever-changing globalised world. They possess valuable skills and traits that make them excellent global leaders. Cultural awareness, flexibility, and open-mindedness are just some impactful examples. As organizations prioritize diversity and inclusion, TCKs can meaningfully and successfully use their experiences to bridge cultural differences and foster belonging and productivity in the workplace.
But to do this, and to do this well, TCKs must acknowledge and embrace the challenges and the effects of a transient childhood. In other words, we have to do the work.
I’m here to support my tribe of TCKs and help them thrive in a global community where our "otherness" is our superpower! Read TCK Speaker Research here.
LIVE Event Host

LIVE Event Host

Increase ROI and the value of your event with Nikki as she delivers your key messages and inspires individuals and teams to take action.
The Swiss/Filipina host has been trusted to steer LIVE large-scale events, global summits, conferences and awards ceremonies around the world. Her most recent global summit took place in Las Vegas for the Project Management Institute. Nikki brings events to life across industries and is often tapped to deliver high-stakes conferences with clients ranging from the United Nations to Dell Technologies and TEMASEK Holdings. Her versatility means she’s also called on to host high-octane moments! She surprised Robert Downey Jr. by conducting a crowd of thousands to serenade him in unison as he hit the stage for an unforgettable Marvel Avengers Infinity War event! This versatility in action is why CNN named Nikki one of their“taste- makers”.
Her warmth, confidence, empathy, along with her ability to trim the fat and deliver succinct complex information into bite-sized relatable messages, makes her one of the most sought after expert presenters and hosts in the market. Her journalism background shows in her meticulous preparation and research where she works hard to understand the audience and the industry needs. This allows her to take people on an emotional journey whether it’s to delight, to surprise, to create a sense of urgency or inspire camaraderie. She always says, “If you can get people to feel something, they’re much more likely to take action!”. Read Live Event Host Services here.
Television Presenter

Television Presenter

TV programs, short and long form content, LIVE coverage and on the ground reporting, here’s why you should hire Nikki Muller as your presenter.
Relatable, relaxed, curious and fun, Nikki can talk business or pleasure! She improvises and is never tied down to a script. There’s a reason she’s been nominated 3 times as “Asia’s Best Entertainment Presenter.” Nikki’s talked food science on Nat Geo People, career reflections with Boris Becker on Fox Sports Asia and cycled 6 countries along the Mekong Delta on a folded bicycle for Channel News Asia. Nikki approaches all TV presenting roles with candor, warmth and authenticity. Viewers are taken on an intimate and fun-filled journey no matter what the subject matter! This versatility in action is why CNN named Nikki one of their “taste-makers.” Nikki landed her first TV job when she was 15 years old, hosting MTV@Mbassy across Asia. She then co-hosted Studio Disney on Disney Channel and at 20, was nominated as “Best Entertainment Presenter” at the Asian Television Awards. Nikki graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Journalism from one of the USA’s Top media schools, Emerson College. She’s had Kevin Bright as her professor (Executive Producer and Director of the hit comedy series Friends) and has great memories beating the competition to land the coveted internship at ABC News with Diane Sawyer. Read television presenter services here.
Nikki’s work spans across networks and platforms: Fox Sports Asia, Netflix, HBO, Nat Geo People, CNN, Channel News Asia, Yahoo Philippines, MTV Asia,Disney Channel and Mediacorp.


Watch the former journalist turn any conversation into a compelling and meaningful dialogue, keeping your audience engaged and on their toes!
As a former anchor and reporter on LIVE Television with Fox Sports Asia, Nikki expertly navigates complex and compelling conversations across diverse subjects. She’s manages the pace and flow of chats, making sure panels are completed on time and with purpose! People often tell her how much fun they’ve had in discussions, even when the subject is technical or challenging. That’s because Nikki approaches every chat with relatability and wit! But most importantly, Nikki does her homework. She goes above and beyond when preparing content and understanding profile backgrounds, while always focusing on Key messaging.
Nikki manages the unexpected with humor and calm and can always be relied on to deliver beyond the brief. Whether it’s discussing impact investment, marketing innovation or ways to ramp up digital transformation, Nikki is always ready to have a meaningful and valuable conversation ensuring that all involved feel seen, heard and understood. Even Formula 1 Champions Sebastian Vettel and Nico Rosberg are fans of Nikki’s interview style! Read moderator services here.
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