Live Event Host

Nikki hosting live event
LIVE Event Host

LIVE Event Host

Increase ROI and the value of your event with Nikki as she delivers your key messages and inspires individuals and teams to take action.
The Swiss/Filipina host has been trusted to steer LIVE large-scale events, global summits, conferences and awards ceremonies around the world. Her most recent global summit took place in Las Vegas for the Project Management Institute. Nikki brings events to life across industries and is often tapped to deliver high-stakes conferences with clients ranging from the United Nations to Dell Technologies and TEMASEK Holdings. Her versatility means she’s also called on to host high-octane moments! She surprised Robert Downey Jr. by conducting a crowd of thousands to serenade him in unison as he hit the stage for an unforgettable Marvel Avengers Infinity War event! This versatility in action is why CNN named Nikki one of their“taste- makers”.
Her warmth, confidence, empathy, along with her ability to trim the fat and deliver succinct complex information into bite-sized relatable messages, makes her one of the most sought after expert presenters and hosts in the market. Her journalism background shows in her meticulous preparation and research where she works hard to understand the audience and the industry needs. This allows her to take people on an emotional journey whether it’s to delight, to surprise, to create a sense of urgency or inspire camaraderie. She always says, “If you can get people to feel something, they’re much more likely to take action!”.

Why Hire Me as a Professional

Nikki hosting ATF Opening Day 2021

An expert live event host will:

  • Deliver powerful openers to hook and engage your audience immediately
  • Provide seamless content transitions and relevant high-level summaries
  • Keep your audience focussed on your content, product and service
  • Transform technical and challenging concepts into relatable conversations
  • Create a deeply human connection with your attendees
  • Keep the audience invested and engaged
  • Introduce speakers with context and gusto
  • Expertly facilitate audience engagement activities
  • Have razor sharp focus, listen and react, improvise and summarise
  • Handle last-minute changes with ease
  • Maximize the return on your investment
  • Increase qualified sales leads
  • Bring fun and relatability to high-stakes events
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